Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rain ruins my day!

As my mind is flooded with weekend plans, the road outside my home is equally flooded with rain water making it look like the Jaipur Lake Palace hotel surrounded by water. I could see the cars and bikes traversing through the water like a boat with their engines refusing to take its owner out of water.
The ‘once seemed to be a road’ was laid hardly a couple of months back, now it’s left with sand and knee-deep water. That’s Chennai for you in the rains. Unable to go out, switched on the television to see that the signal was bad and so did the programs. The rain has ruined my weekend, the only two full days minus sleep that you get to be with your own self and with friends.
I work hard all the week expecting the weekend to come soon and end late. If at all God can make weekends last longer or the weekdays shorter or both, still better if he can abolish something called ‘Work’ if at all it really exists apart from the physics textbooks.
Work = Force * Distance, the closer you are to the person who gives you work the lesser the work you get.
It’s long time since I solved the work & wages problems to crack my aptitude tests. Though Physics can define ‘work’ there is no definition for ‘hard work’ or ‘smart work’ - the two types of work I have heard of, not sure if there are any more.
I just thought of being a ground-digger* by blogging my feelings out instead of killing time, that’s the last resort for me when I run out of options. Now I feel liter after pouring my frustration about the rain ruining my weekend!!
*A ground digger digs the ground when it rains and preserves water in it for future use; a rain dancer never cares about the future and dances when it rains to enjoy the moment!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Independence Day!

"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we will redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.... We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again."- Jawaharlal Nehru
(Speech on Indian Independence Day, 1947)

Hi Guys! Good to see you back in my blog. Though it’s not an active medium of interaction, it has its own advantages. It won’t lead to disagreement and arguments. You needn’t wait for your turn to speak and needn’t worry if the other person is listening. I speak my mind and practice my freedom to write and to express. It provides an opportunity to speak to each other on our own convenience and stay connected in this fast spinning planet. What more can we expect from ever growing technology which alienates people to people communication?

We are about to celebrate the 62nd Independence Day of our great country. Many of you might be living in other countries or states away from your hometown. I admire and adore my country and countrymen as much as every Indian does. We know that there are no limits for differences here. It’s most free and youngest country in the world. You never get fined for throwing your garbage out there. Okay, we talk good about our country and all that is fine, but given all these facts most of our youngsters want to go abroad to earn and to make a big living. I usually hear the reason being lack of opportunity and corruption and I certainly do agree but who’s going to bring in a change?

Its high time youngsters look in to politics, administrative jobs like the IAS, IPS, IFS and other government jobs as a lucrative option. Once the bureaucracy is full of young blood and brain, fresh thoughts will turn in to fresh ideas which in turn will bring in a physical change to the system. Having said all that, still dollars smell better to most of us and that includes me as well. Money was and is a major factor in our life but more important than that is our core meaning of living that life, in fact we make money for a living but in some point in time it reaches a stage wherein we make a living for money. There is an astounding difference between the two and we knowingly fall in this trap.

I really salute the great men and leaders who overcame all these materialistic things and lived their life for their idealistic views. I salute our freedom fighters, the thousands of unknown Gandhi’s and the Nehru’s, who were left unnoticed and unrecognized, Everyone who fought the Kargil and everyone who keeps fighting everyday at the border to keep our lives going, everyone who stands against corruption and everyone who wants to make this country a better place to live. I know these words won’t make any physical or financial impact but still it’s a simple way of showing our respect and admiration to the people who lived and live their lives for others rather for themselves.
Jai Hind!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Friendship Day!

It's been a long time since my first post. I started my first blog on women’s day and the second one falls on friendship day, that’s coincidental like the solar eclipse that we witnessed sometime back. I was amazed to know that it happens once in a century though the intervals between my posts can’t be so long.
It’s a nice feel to write a blog on a Sunday after a week’s tight work. After all what can be so easy a work for a lazy geek like me to sit on the bed and to type my feelings. Friends have always been and are an important ingredient in my life. There is a good friend and a human in every person and that’s true if you are able to step in to their shoes. I dedicate the following poem for all those friends out there, though I am not a pro in poetry I am giving it a hand and so please bear with me and provide your valuable comments.
Friends are my strength and weakness,
They stay with me in bright and darkness!
Without them my life serves no purpose,
You too feel the same I suppose!

Even the silliest moments turns to sweet memories in time,
Looking back at it brings in a smile!
I know that these few lines can never explain,
The length and depth of friendship in plain!

See you soon in my next post. Until then have fun, take life as it comes and leave your worries about tomorrow and yesterday. Live life one day at a time since all we have is today!

Wish you all a happy friendship day!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Women's Day! - Do We Really need one??

The mere fact that we celebrate “Women's day” shows that women are neglected for most part of their life and are just remembered and respected for a single day in a year. Only something which is ignored and neglected has to be remembered by inventing a day for it, like Aids day, cancer day and diabetics’ day. I think it’s not necessary to spread awareness about women and their services to the society for we live with them and everyone of us know their valuable contribution to the society and their families. If we really care about them it’s not fair to spread good things about women for a day and spread wrong signals for the rest 364 days of the year.
Women are exploited by every means; almost every commercial product needs a women model to attract attention. Even multinational companies and their products are marketed in such a way. A big automobile company calls its bike with a caption “definitely male”. Most of the bike and car manufacturers showcase their product as the easiest way to lure women, isn’t that misleading? Stop portraying women as a substance of sex in cinemas, television commercials and serials. Obscene songs and scenes in movies and other forms of media should be banned and the perpetrators of such a crime must be punished. There is a general excuse by these people by saying “we show what happens in the real world”, my question is “even if it happens why do you popularize and promote it?”
Definitely the literacy rate has gone up compared to a century back, but the heartening fact is that even as the literacy & living standards have gone up to a remarkable extent the number of crimes against women has increased manifold. We need to accept the fact that women were certainly more safe a hundred years back than they are today; Women are treated as a sacred creation of god and it’s morally not correct to portray them in a wrong manner. We don’t have a day for “humans”, do we? Does that mean humans don't have their space in the world? Certainly not. The day is not far that we will have to start celebrating "Human's Day" too, to show that humans are part of the universe when machines and robots engulf the planet. The day when we stop celebrating “women's day” and start living life by accepting women as part of it, is when women are really free. I feel at least in our country we should stop celebrating “women's day”, “mothers’ day”, ” Valentine's Day” as we respect women and they are part of us and our everyday life. These are westernized concepts where the real values of life are ignored and most people are after temporary and illusionary pleasures and get back to the basics of life just a day in a year which is simply unacceptable.