The mere fact that we celebrate “Women's day” shows that women are neglected for most part of their life and are just remembered and respected for a single day in a year. Only something which is ignored and neglected has to be remembered by inventing a day for it, like Aids day, cancer day and diabetics’ day. I think it’s not necessary to spread awareness about women and their services to the society for we live with them and everyone of us know their valuable contribution to the society and their families. If we really care about them it’s not fair to spread good things about women for a day and spread wrong signals for the rest 364 days of the year.
Women are exploited by every means; almost every commercial product needs a women model to attract attention. Even multinational companies and their products are marketed in such a way. A big automobile company calls its bike with a caption “definitely male”. Most of the bike and car manufacturers showcase their product as the easiest way to lure women, isn’t that misleading? Stop portraying women as a substance of sex in cinemas, television commercials and serials. Obscene songs and scenes in movies and other forms of media should be banned and the perpetrators of such a crime must be punished. There is a general excuse by these people by saying “we show what happens in the real world”, my question is “even if it happens why do you popularize and promote it?”
Definitely the literacy rate has gone up compared to a century back, but the heartening fact is that even as the literacy & living standards have gone up to a remarkable extent the number of crimes against women has increased manifold. We need to accept the fact that women were certainly more safe a hundred years back than they are today; Women are treated as a sacred creation of god and it’s morally not correct to portray them in a wrong manner. We don’t have a day for “humans”, do we? Does that mean humans don't have their space in the world? Certainly not. The day is not far that we will have to start celebrating "Human's Day" too, to show that humans are part of the universe when machines and robots engulf the planet. The day when we stop celebrating “women's day” and start living life by accepting women as part of it, is when women are really free. I feel at least in our country we should stop celebrating “women's day”, “mothers’ day”, ” Valentine's Day” as we respect women and they are part of us and our everyday life. These are westernized concepts where the real values of life are ignored and most people are after temporary and illusionary pleasures and get back to the basics of life just a day in a year which is simply unacceptable.