Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sweat it Out!

Six months is quite a time to catch up with my blog. Sorry that I couldn’t find time to blog. If you ask me if I was really that busy, I really don’t know. There are enough useless things in world that can keep you occupied for life. The past half year was quite hectic.

Summer has begun in Chennai and its burning us to death every day. The highest temperature in the year reported few days back was a whopping 40 degree Celsius. Thanks to hurricane Laila that cooled us down but the happiness didn’t last long. Now, it’s business as usual for Sun and his showers. I am sure that Global warming won’t kill us in a day with sudden disasters emerging from nowhere (like the movie ‘Day After Tomorrow’) but sure it’s going to harm us minute by minute, slow and steady. 

We are already feeling the heat but why care as long as we have the air conditioning, as long as we can buy drinking water and as long as we have uninterrupted power supply. The heat is such that the sweat evaporates the moment it emerges out of the skin. UV protection glasses, sunscreen lotions and the likes won’t protect you from sun but the FMCG Companies from bankruptcy. Follow natural ways to beat the heat as there is nothing that can outsmart nature.

The volcano that erupted recently in Iceland proved that man can never outwit nature by any means. You can even think of the Tsunami that struck in 2004. The recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico shows how massive projects devised by man can go wrong abruptly. But can I do something about it? Yes you can and you already knew it, you can’t stop the smoke coming out of the industries. A few steps that we can follow are switching off your monitor when not in use, opting to use the stairs instead of lift, avoiding plastic, car pooling and many simple things that we can really think of. These little things can bring in a significant difference. Let’s try to do the little things that we can for a greater cause.

1 comment:

  1. Love ur post Jagan ! Keep up the good work :)
