Saturday, November 7, 2009

Rain ruins my day!

As my mind is flooded with weekend plans, the road outside my home is equally flooded with rain water making it look like the Jaipur Lake Palace hotel surrounded by water. I could see the cars and bikes traversing through the water like a boat with their engines refusing to take its owner out of water.
The ‘once seemed to be a road’ was laid hardly a couple of months back, now it’s left with sand and knee-deep water. That’s Chennai for you in the rains. Unable to go out, switched on the television to see that the signal was bad and so did the programs. The rain has ruined my weekend, the only two full days minus sleep that you get to be with your own self and with friends.
I work hard all the week expecting the weekend to come soon and end late. If at all God can make weekends last longer or the weekdays shorter or both, still better if he can abolish something called ‘Work’ if at all it really exists apart from the physics textbooks.
Work = Force * Distance, the closer you are to the person who gives you work the lesser the work you get.
It’s long time since I solved the work & wages problems to crack my aptitude tests. Though Physics can define ‘work’ there is no definition for ‘hard work’ or ‘smart work’ - the two types of work I have heard of, not sure if there are any more.
I just thought of being a ground-digger* by blogging my feelings out instead of killing time, that’s the last resort for me when I run out of options. Now I feel liter after pouring my frustration about the rain ruining my weekend!!
*A ground digger digs the ground when it rains and preserves water in it for future use; a rain dancer never cares about the future and dances when it rains to enjoy the moment!

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