Sunday, August 2, 2009

Friendship Day!

It's been a long time since my first post. I started my first blog on women’s day and the second one falls on friendship day, that’s coincidental like the solar eclipse that we witnessed sometime back. I was amazed to know that it happens once in a century though the intervals between my posts can’t be so long.
It’s a nice feel to write a blog on a Sunday after a week’s tight work. After all what can be so easy a work for a lazy geek like me to sit on the bed and to type my feelings. Friends have always been and are an important ingredient in my life. There is a good friend and a human in every person and that’s true if you are able to step in to their shoes. I dedicate the following poem for all those friends out there, though I am not a pro in poetry I am giving it a hand and so please bear with me and provide your valuable comments.
Friends are my strength and weakness,
They stay with me in bright and darkness!
Without them my life serves no purpose,
You too feel the same I suppose!

Even the silliest moments turns to sweet memories in time,
Looking back at it brings in a smile!
I know that these few lines can never explain,
The length and depth of friendship in plain!

See you soon in my next post. Until then have fun, take life as it comes and leave your worries about tomorrow and yesterday. Live life one day at a time since all we have is today!

Wish you all a happy friendship day!


  1. Jagan, really a good one... your words cant be just perfunctory... as far as i have observed you are the person who lives every single moment and rejoice its treasure ...

    impeccably you have all qualities to be an ideal friend... in other words a great human being...

    Anonymous friend...

  2. Jagu... i don hav any other Gr8 word to express my view about uuu... u r my gr8 FRIEND--- Few Relations In Earth Never Die.

    Ur blog will never die:) AAAPPPYYY FRIENDship day

  3. hey Jagz - its simply real... u said it al
    don make us wait, let ur next post b on d 15th plz :)
    thnx 4 being a true fren

    Tanu princess

  4. jagan, appreciate your "spick and span" sunday thoughts...

    but i must say it divaricates if i try to equate you notion with your earlier blogs, you insisted on not to celebrate woman's day as it degrades the womenhood by showcasing them just for the day...

    the same applies to friendhsip as well...because if i tell you "Happy Friendship Day", it means a very little for us as we exhibit much more quintessence in our everyday life...

    buddy , though i may sound as a critic which i am not... i just spoke my mind...


    N.B- Apologies for the frivolity
