Friday, August 14, 2009

Independence Day!

"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we will redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance.... We end today a period of ill fortune, and India discovers herself again."- Jawaharlal Nehru
(Speech on Indian Independence Day, 1947)

Hi Guys! Good to see you back in my blog. Though it’s not an active medium of interaction, it has its own advantages. It won’t lead to disagreement and arguments. You needn’t wait for your turn to speak and needn’t worry if the other person is listening. I speak my mind and practice my freedom to write and to express. It provides an opportunity to speak to each other on our own convenience and stay connected in this fast spinning planet. What more can we expect from ever growing technology which alienates people to people communication?

We are about to celebrate the 62nd Independence Day of our great country. Many of you might be living in other countries or states away from your hometown. I admire and adore my country and countrymen as much as every Indian does. We know that there are no limits for differences here. It’s most free and youngest country in the world. You never get fined for throwing your garbage out there. Okay, we talk good about our country and all that is fine, but given all these facts most of our youngsters want to go abroad to earn and to make a big living. I usually hear the reason being lack of opportunity and corruption and I certainly do agree but who’s going to bring in a change?

Its high time youngsters look in to politics, administrative jobs like the IAS, IPS, IFS and other government jobs as a lucrative option. Once the bureaucracy is full of young blood and brain, fresh thoughts will turn in to fresh ideas which in turn will bring in a physical change to the system. Having said all that, still dollars smell better to most of us and that includes me as well. Money was and is a major factor in our life but more important than that is our core meaning of living that life, in fact we make money for a living but in some point in time it reaches a stage wherein we make a living for money. There is an astounding difference between the two and we knowingly fall in this trap.

I really salute the great men and leaders who overcame all these materialistic things and lived their life for their idealistic views. I salute our freedom fighters, the thousands of unknown Gandhi’s and the Nehru’s, who were left unnoticed and unrecognized, Everyone who fought the Kargil and everyone who keeps fighting everyday at the border to keep our lives going, everyone who stands against corruption and everyone who wants to make this country a better place to live. I know these words won’t make any physical or financial impact but still it’s a simple way of showing our respect and admiration to the people who lived and live their lives for others rather for themselves.
Jai Hind!


  1. hey..jagan very nice to see ur sprit of indian nation....i just need to ask u one thing ..did u vote in the recent election!!!Jai hind!!!

    C R Sethil Kumar(the Patriotic NRI)

  2. nice one jagan..but answer the simple question ma...did u care to vote this time

    Ashwin(cr shisyan)

  3. "Its high time youngsters look in to politics, administrative jobs like the IAS, IPS, IFS and other government jobs as a lucrative option."

    hey Jagz ...gv it a try na ..our nation needs leaders like U

    Vande Mataram! Happy Independence Day

    Tanu Princess

  4. CR and Ashwin, thanks for your comments. I was denied permission to vote as i didn't have a proof of residence. I did my best to get it but in vain :(
    I had to abide the rules.

    I agree i am not perfect neither do anyone and i never said myself as a patriotic person, i am just expressing my views and suggestions.


  5. Hey Tanu, Thanks for your suggestions and comments. I doubt if i am an youngster still (LOL!), but would definitely try my hand in administration. I believe there are also many other ways and mediums for serving people.
